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Toggles And Clasps

17 Products



23mm Copper Peacock Toggle Set - The Bead Traders
21x17mm Copper Divot Oval Toggle Set - The Bead Traders
18mm Copper Vine Toggle - The Bead Traders
18mm Copper Vine Toggle
SKU: 448558
22x15mm Copper Rectangle Toggle Set - pack of 5 - The Bead Traders
21x18mm Heart Copper Toggle Set of 5 pieces - The Bead Traders
20mm Copper Floral Toggle Set - The Bead Traders
15mm Solid Copper Toggle pack of 5 - The Bead Traders
21mm Copper Heart Disc Toggle Set - The Bead Traders
19mm Copper Flower Toggle Set of 5 pieces - The Bead Traders
21mm Copper Disc Toggle Set - Pack of 5 pieces - The Bead Traders
24mm Silver-tone Interlocking Clasp Set of 2 - The Bead Traders
3 Ring Silver plated Magnetic Slider Clasp 1 piece - The Bead Traders
4 Ring Silver plated Magnetic Slider Clasp 1 piece - The Bead Traders
2 Ring Silver plated Magnetic Slide Clasp 1 piece - The Bead Traders
6 Ring Pewter-tone Magnetic Barrel Clasp 1 piece - The Bead Traders
5 Ring Silvertone Magnetic Slide barrel Clasp 1 Piece - The Bead Traders
23x13mm Copper S Hook Clasps Set of 4 - The Bead Traders

Whether it's Toggles and Clasps, gemstone beads, or anything else you could possible need, we have all of your beading supplies at the Bead Traders. And due to our wholesale purchasing, we offer the lowest prices online. check out our massive selection and find beads and materials for your next jewelry or project ideas.

Also, don't be afraid to ask our friendly expert staff for assistance if you have any questions or need help. 

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