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Chain By The Foot

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Our Custom Hand Wrapped Chain by the foot is manufactured from our gemstone, metal, and pearl inventory to supply you with a variety of color and chain appearance.  Our Rosary Style Chain is sturdy and well made to withstand any design usage.  Explore our selections to include chain in your product line as a complimentary element or a focal element. And let the Bead Traders be your online bead store for value beads, affordable beads, gemstone beads and beading supplies.

Metal findings are an important aspect to jewelry making. They’re like insurance, there to reassure the wearer that the gorgeous gold plated cross, charm or the sterling silver clasps on your bracelet won’t snap or break when wearing them out.

That’s why at the Bead Traders, we put a lot of effort into making sure that all of our charms, connectors, magnetic clasps, findings and toggles are reliable as well as beautiful.

Gold Plated Cross Charms and Other Signature Connectors

Charm bracelets and necklaces are unique, interactive pieces of jewelry that have the power to evoke emotional reactions from the wearer. Each charm is like a memory that can be relived every time the jewelry is worn. 

The last thing a customer wants is for one of those memories, say, the gold plated cross charm that their grandmother gave them, to break off and become lost. Our charms and connectors are high quality, well designed pieces of art that are made with our customer’s happiness in mind. Check out our charms and connectors section to find unique, well-made pieces for your charm bracelets.

Magnetic Clasps

Over the past few decades, the magnetic clasp has become something of a pariah in the world of jewelry art, due to a reputation of being unreliable for holding a piece of jewelry together.

The truth is, the real reason for a malfunctioning magnetic clasp is low quality. A well made magnetic clasp is a great thing. It´s beautiful, functional, and convenient—perfect for people on the go, without a lot of time to spend on hooking and clasping tiny pieces of metal. You simply click the two pieces together with a satisfying snap, and you’re ready to go. 

Our magnets come in a variety of metals, from 22 karat gold, black gold, and sterling silver clasps. We also offer a number of designs to choose from that are sure to add a marvelous touch and convenience to any piece of jewelry.

Toggles and Clasps

Do you love jewelry that makes a statement? Designed for those that put personality into every single aspect of their jewelry art, our toggles and clasps are bold, distinctive, and filled with character. Take a look at our toggles and clasps section for a glimpse into our large inventory of boldly designed and high quality gold, copper, and sterling silver clasps and toggles.

Whether you’re looking for a simple and elegant sterling silver clasp or a large, bold, gold plated cross pendant, we've got something for everyone in our metal findings inventory.  As an integral part of the jewelry design process, our metal findings come in a variety of shapes, sizes, functions and materials to suit any jewelry designer’s needs.

We offer a wide selection of metal findings, from our classic gold plated cross charms to distinctively designed connecting pieces. Our items are handcrafted to last, despite our affordable prices. Take a look at our inventory and see for yourself that at the Bead Traders, you don’t have to sacrifice quality for price.

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