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Black Gold Plated Beads

8 Products

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16mm Black Gold Plated Miligrain Circle Design Magnetic Clasp 1 Piece - The Bead Traders
3.5mm Black Gold Plated Copper Rounds 8 inch 65 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Black Gold Plated Copper Spacers 8 inch 140 beads - The Bead Traders
Black Gold plated Copper Ornate Bead Caps 7.5 inch 18 pieces - The Bead Traders
4mm Black Gold plated Copper plain Bead Cap 8 inch 228 pieces - The Bead Traders
9mm Black Gold Plated Copper Corrugated Rounds 8 inch 23 beads - The Bead Traders
15mm Black Gold Plated Copper Round Beads 2 Pieces - The Bead Traders
12mm Black Gold Plated Copper Round Beads 2 Pieces - The Bead Traders
Black Gold plated Beads are created using a Noble Metal belonging to the platinum group of metals called Ruthenium. The Ruthenium is used in our jewelry when a darker, pewter color is preferred to allow for a deep, silvery black hue plating over our black gold plated beads. We think this collection of Black Gold plated beads is a very attractive finish in a rich black color and is a perfect compliment to all your jewelry designs. This collection is always growing so please come back for more. 

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