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Dangling Hand Wrapped Chain

35 Products

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3mm Robin's Egg Blue Crystal rondelle Silver Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Peacock Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Pink Crystal rondelle Silver Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Angel Skin Peach Crystal Gold Plated Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm White Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Green Crystal rondelle Silver Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Pink Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Robin's Egg Blue Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Aegean Blue Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Robin's Egg Blue Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Turquoise Crystal rondelle Silver Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Turquoise Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Green Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Black Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Angel Skin Peach Crystal rondelle Silver Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Brass Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Sky Blue Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Teal Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Pink Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Green Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Golden Tiger's Eye micro-faceted round Black Gold Dangling Chain by the foot - The Bead Traders
3mm Golden Tiger's Eye micro-faceted round Silver Dangling Chain by the foot - The Bead Traders
2.5mm Turquoise Crystal Glass rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Peacock Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Teal Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Metallic Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Forest Green Crystal rondelle Silver Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Forest Green Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Angel Skin Peach Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
2mm Blue and Green Howlite Gold plated Dangling Chain by the foot - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Silver Crystal rondelle Gold Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders
3mm Golden Tiger's Eye micro-faceted round Gold plated Dangling Chain by the foot - The Bead Traders
3mm White Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 97 beads - The Bead Traders
2mm Blue and Green Howlite Silver plated Dangling Chain by the foot - The Bead Traders
4mm Metallic Brass Crystal rondelle Black Dangling Chain by the foot 95 beads - The Bead Traders

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