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2mm Drilled Large Hole Gemstones

76 Products

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7 - 8mm Aventurine Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
7 - 8mm Black Tourmalinated Quartz Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
6 - 9mm Amethyst Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
8 - 10mm Crystal Quartz Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
7 - 12mm Multi Gemstone Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
7 - 9mm Amethyst Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
6 - 8mm Crystal Quartz Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
7 - 10mm Multi Gemstone Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
6 - 7mm Amethyst Carved Melon 2mm Large Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
7mm Green Onyx Rounds 2mm Large Drill Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Strawberry Quartz Rondelles 2mm Large Drill Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Iolite Rondelles 2mm Large Drill Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
9 - 14mm Turkish Chalcedony Nuggets 2mm Large Drill Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Topaz Rondelles 2mm Large Drill Hole 10 beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Peach Moonstone Rondelles 2mm Large Drill Hole 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
6mm Large Hole Chocolate Moonstone Faceted Rondelles 10 Beads - The Bead Traders
8.5mm Matte Green Banded Agate Plain Rounds 27 Beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Multi Beryl Large Hole Rondelles 10 beads - The Bead Traders
9mm Multi Beryl Large Hole Rondelles 5 beads - The Bead Traders
8-8.5mm Spring Green Opal 2mm Large Hole Plain Rondelles 8 inch 36 beads - The Bead Traders
8-8.5mm White Opal 2mm Large Hole Plain Rondelles 8 inch 37 beads - The Bead Traders
8-8.5mm Purple Opal 2mm Large Hole Plain Rondelles 8 inch 35 beads - The Bead Traders
8mm Aqua Blue Opal 2mm Large Hole Plain Rondelles 8 inch 38 beads - The Bead Traders
8.5-9mm Yellow Orange Opal 2mm Large Hole Plain Rondelles 8 inch 36 beads - The Bead Traders
7.5-8mm Yellow Ochre Opal 2mm Large Hole Plain Rondelles 8 inch 38 beads - The Bead Traders
8.5mm Periwinkle Opal 2mm Large Hole Plain Rondelles 8 inch 34 beads - The Bead Traders
76 results

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