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Hand Cut Beads

163 Products


3.5mm Howlite faceted rondelle beads 13 inches 135 pieces - The Bead Traders
3-3.5mm Dendritic Opal faceted rondelle beads 13 inches 120 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Prasiolite faceted rondelle beads 13 inches 140 pieces - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Cadet Blue plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 104 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Bluish Silver plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 104 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Silver plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 104 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Smoky Grey plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 102 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Copper Rose plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 100 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Orange plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 122 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Greenish Yellow plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 128 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Olive Green plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 118 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Grass Green plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 101 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Spring Green plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 115 pcs - The Bead Traders
3mm Metallic Berry Purple plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 135 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Rose Pink plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 104 pcs - The Bead Traders
3.5-4mm Metallic Strawberry Pink plated Pyrite faceted rondelle Beads 124 pcs - The Bead Traders
3-4mm Brown Apatite Faceted Rondelle Beads 14 inch 130 pieces - The Bead Traders
3.5mm Labradorite faceted rondelle beads 13 inch 130 pieces - The Bead Traders
3mm Green Onyx Faceted Rondelle Beads, 14 inch 130pcs/str - The Bead Traders
163 results
Our Hand Cut Beads are crafted by master artisans who are able to take advantage of the natural beauty of each stone. Expect more variation in size & shape with beads worked in this style, as each piece is an individual work of art. We value hand cut beads for their inviting appearance and naturalistic feel, in addition to the superb workmanship they require.

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