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Gemstone Jewelry Care Tips: Maintaining Your Precious Pieces - The Bead Traders

Gemstone Jewelry Care Tips: Maintaining Your Precious Pieces

When was the last time you took inventory of your gemstones and decided they needed a cleaning? Maybe it was an heirloom from your grandparents that symbolizes a certain event in your family's life, an engagement ring, a beautiful ornate necklace, or a simple "just because" piece.

Gemstones, while beautiful to look at, need to be maintained and properly taken care of in order to keep their original shine, appeal, and luster.

Remember that your gemstones are tiny wonders that have spent millions of years bettering themselves into the piece you see today and perhaps cut and handled by a professional to achieve a more beautiful shine.

In this guide, we'll explore the best jewelry care tips, including cleaning, maintenance, and where to store them.

Equipment That You'll Need

Not all gemstones are created equal, and the best of them may need more attention than others.

At The Bead Traders, we completely understand the importance of maintaining your gemstones, which is why we provide care and handling instructions with your purchase.

That said, there are a few items that you'll need to enhance the shine and sparkle of all gemstones.


Contrary to the cleaning process for laundry, tile, homes, and other common places that require cleaning - the water should not be too hot. You'll be aiming for lukewarm or room-temperature water. Certain gemstones do require a certain temperature, but if you are unsure, it's best to start with lukewarm water.

Dish Soap

Using soap or any detergent and cleaning supplies is a huge no-no when it comes to cleaning your gemstones. Dish soap, and a step further, gentle dish soap is required for cleaning your gems. Any cleaning supply that is too strong or abrasive will ruin your treasure by scratching it and dulling its color and sparkle.


Yes, it's true, something that is responsible for maintaining your oral health through the "gemstones" in your mouth is also extremely helpful for gently brushing away the dust and film that sits atop a gemstone. This will be your secret weapon, useful for thoroughly dislodging any dirt and grime that may be trapped within the fine nuances within the stone.

Microfiber Cloth

A soft microfiber cloth is helpful in two different but similar ways. After washing and brushing your gemstone, you can use the cloth to make sure that it is thoroughly dry. The cloth also acts as a secondary way to clean your gemstone, making sure that you are getting even the most fine dirt and grime off of it while ensuring a neat and seamless polish.

Putting it All Together

Now that you have all of the ingredients for a successful gemstone cleaning session, here is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively clean them:

  • Set the Stage: Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add a few drops of the gentle dish soap we mentioned earlier. Give it a soft stir to create a light lather - don't agitate it too much!
  • Give Your Gems a Bath: Make sure to Submerge your jewelry in the soapy solution for about 10-15 minutes. This allows any dirt or grime to loosen up and get ready to say goodbye forever.
  • Gently Brush Away the Mess: Use the soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean around the setting and between any prongs that hold the gemstone in place. Be extra gentle, especially with softer stones like opals or pearls. If a spot won't come out, don't increase the pressure as this may end up damaging the stone.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Rinse your jewelry thoroughly under clean, lukewarm running water. If there's still some stubborn grime clinging on, don't hesitate to repeat steps 2 and 3.
  • Dry Your Stone with Love: Pat your jewelry dry with the soft microfiber cloth. Remember, rubbing is no-go, as it can scratch softer gemstones.

Pro Tip: For especially delicate gems, you may be able to skip the soapy bath altogether and wipe them gently with a damp microfiber cloth, depending on how dirty they are.

Maintaining Your Gemstones

Now that your gems are clean and sparkly once more, they need a cozy home when not being adorned.

Here are some things to keep in mind when storing your gemstones:

  • Separate Compartments: Store your gemstone pieces in separate compartments to prevent them from scratching each other. Think padded compartments in a jewelry box or individual fabric pouches.
  • Darkness is Your Friend: Just like us, too much sun exposure isn't great for some gemstones. Over time, light can fade them. When you're not wearing your jewelry, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.
  • Fabric Good, Metal Bad: When it comes to jewelry boxes, choose fabric-lined options over metal ones. Metal can tarnish and potentially scratch your gems.
  • Moisture Matters: Avoid storing your jewelry in humid environments like bathroom and kitchen drawers. This can damage some stones and weaken the settings.

If a gemstone feels loose in its setting, please don't wear it before it has been taken to a professional. Wearing jewelry that is loose in the setting is a safety hazard to both you and the stone, as it could lead to the stone falling out entirely and damaging the setting.

The Bead Traders - Expert Curated Gemstones

While most gemstone jewelry care can be done at home, there are times when seeking professional help is the best course of action.

All the stones at The Bead Traders come with proper care and handling instructions, and our team of dedicated professionals can help you care for your stones even after your purchase. We source our products from sustainable sources and only list the finest quality stones the market offers.

Shop our new arrivals today and see The Bead Traders difference.

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