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SKU: 51415

11x8mm Golden Sheen Moonstone Plain Ovals 18 inch 43 beads

3 in stock

Beads range from about 9x7mm to 13x10mm. These exquisite gems showcase a stunning golden shimmer that dances across their surface, reminiscent of a moonlit night. Each bead is meticulously crafted to highlight its natural allure, featuring smooth, oval shapes that make them versatile for a variety of designs.

What sets Golden Sheen Moonstone apart is its captivating optical phenomenon known as adularescence, where a soft, golden glow emerges from within, giving each bead a unique character. Whether you’re designing elegant necklaces, charming bracelets, or eye-catching earrings, these beads will add a touch of sophistication and a hint of mystique to your creations. Perfect for both casual and formal wear, Golden Sheen Moonstone Plain Oval Beads are a must-have for any jewelry artisan seeking to incorporate natural beauty and spiritual energy into their work. Embrace the magic of moonstone and let your designs shine!

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