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SKU: 49472

4mm Kyanite Plain Rounds 15 inch 95 beads Grade A

7 in stock

Beads are 4mm in diameter with little variation.

Elevate your jewelry designs with the mesmerizing beauty of Kyanite Plain Round Beads, meticulously graded for their exceptional quality. These enchanting beads boast a celestial blue hue, reminiscent of the tranquil depths of the ocean, with subtle variations that add depth and character to each bead.

Crafted from genuine Kyanite gemstones, renowned for their soothing energy and metaphysical properties, these beads are perfect for creating stunning necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more. Their smooth, polished surface enhances the captivating allure of their natural schiller.

Beads include a 1mm large drill hole.

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