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SKU: 437932

Orange Agate Hammer Faceted Oval Beads 8 inch 11 pieces

8 in stock
Nectar Agate Hammer Faceted Ovals measure approximately 16x15x9mm to 21x18x10mm in size, exhibit a dull and glass-like luster, asymmetrical shape created by the ancient style of chip faceting, the dyed agate shows varied medium dark hues, there are visible internal characteristics in this unique gemstone strand, and these Agate beads exhibit a semi-translucent body of a brownish tone in a golden Orange hue resembling the color of peach or agave fruit nectar.Hammer Faceted beads are faceted using the Ancient Technique of hand chipping the gemstone to create its shape, the gemstones have a natural appearance with crisp edges which are tumbled to smooth out any roughness on the edges, the stones are Translucent to Opaque in quality, the body colors can be natural or color treated to any hue in the rainbow, the gemstones present with the natural internal characteristics of the gemstones, the Hammer Faceted Tumbled gemstone group will have an edge with a melted appearance due to the secondary shaping after chip faceting, and this Hammer Faceted group show excellent weight, great presence for shape, have a great feel, and add unlimited color options.

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Ellen W. Verified Customer   

Efficient and good quality

Dian R. Verified Customer   

You guys are great

Cindy C. Verified Customer   

I'm always very satisfied with the orders I receive from Bead Traders. The quality and prices are exceptional. My recent order of laboradite and opal beads arrived in a reasonable time. The beads are beautiful. Will definitely recommend their products. Wonderful selections.

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